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stillness in the storm

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I joined this forum today because I wanted to feel a part of a community with similar interest and passions. I'm in a stormy time of life and seek places that give a still, mindful, sacred vibe to help quiet my spirit and mind.


In perusing some of the topics put forth on the forum I was excited to find that other hobbyist writers (fiction, poetry, RPG) have joined and like I do - use their Tarot for inspiration. It also brought to mind how I've been regularly blogging lately on my other social media and what if I were to combine blogging with a Card a Day? 


I've been reading for myself and some friends since 2006, however, I still feel like I have so much to learn. Despite my love of Tarot I do not feel gifted with it. I'd also like to become more confident in reading intuitively now. I've relied on consulting others and reading from books and leaning on traditional interpretations all these years. So, transitioning from that to more intuitive and creative approaches to Tarot will be this blog's direction. 


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Welcome to the forum!



Welcome to TT&M!  The best way to improve your reading is to practice, and this is a great place to do it.  



Welcome, I'm new too, and likewise looking to balance study with intuition, and more creativity. Also right with you on finding quiet, mindful social media.

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