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A Disconnected and Discouraged tarot reader

Dear friends,


Hello, how have you been? I've been not okay nor good and now am facing some difficult decisions as a tarot reader. When I began my journey in the Spring of 2021, I remember how diverted I was from attempting to create a personal brand to connecting with the people that I felt was right for that commitment although the spark from the match lit quickly it ended just as quickly. Therefore I left most of the communities and connections I've joined previously and discontinued to provide my services to others. At the beginning of 2022, my journey to healing my sense of self unfolded and tarot really help in the case it gave me a space to process, connect, and be myself no matter how disapproving the outside world might be. Yet at the end of 2022, it became disconnected as I got employed as front cashier and continued to aspire as a tarot reader committing to return and offer what I have. Immediately, time went by and a decision I needed to face was to commit to being a tarot reader or give it up entirely and follow a new career path. Hence in 2023, I resigned not too long after the New Year's and started to learn, discover, connect and commit to how to navigate a business. Recently, I've been face and confronted with disappointment, disconnect, discontent, and rejection from communities and individuals. Even though I respect people's boundaries, opinions, and commitments mines aren't supported or appreciated. Some of the experiences from last month discouraged me as well when I was connecting to individuals in different communities. Last week, my account was banned from a server for speaking up that tarot readings cannot predict the future logically to prevent members from being misinformed. Even further, the moderator accused me of forcing my beliefs onto others and the message I given convey that there is only one right method, technique, practice towards tarot. This discussion in particular has made me nervous, paranoid, displaced, and disconnected as a tarot reader so I am taking a much needed break. Now I am deciding how to best and honestly navigate my new path in tarot.  Happy Spring and Good luck!





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It's always good to take a break when many things happen and you are stressed, self-care is important 🙂


I can't speak directly for other communities and their policies and rules. But generally the predictive reading vs more self-help / psychological reading (non-predictive) discussion is a touch paper in some other communities on the net for fireworks and angry arguments. It's a red-hot current topic. Moderators dealing with that situation will want to calm it down and also posting beyond having an opinion on it, for example telling other members that they might be misinformed because of predictions might fall foul of trolling rules. There is a line between having an opinion on it and affecting other members on it. In an angry discussion in a community, the staff will just want to calm it down and get rid of the people disrupting. It's probably not even anything personal but it's unfortunate it's this topic. I have seen it get very angry in other places online on this and you have been caught up in it.


In this community we have a simple first rule about respecting one another. Some people here do not do predictive readings and hold that opinion about them, others do, we have to respect the differences. We also strongly police to allow everyone to have their own methods of doing it and not let one dominate the others. It's a live and let live attitude, all tarot methods are welcome.


About having a tarot business, you are going to get people asking for predictive readings? They make up a lot of readings asked, so on a practical level how are you going to deal with those? If you flat out refuse, clients will go to other readers who will do them.


I'm sorry you feel disconnected from the community overall but this is a really provocative issue currently in some corners of the tarot internet.



Hello there. 

I would to speak to quitting job and going full time as a tarot reader. 

Over here I read the tarot on the side for 40 for ten cards. 

It is out of practical for my mindset is how much I would of to charge in other to flourish and not just get by.. 

I belonged to some online sites. Keen, bit wines over the year.

And it sure is hard work, 

You really have to put yourself out.. and pay advertising. 


My own personal issue is I refuse to spam my friends with my services. They know where I live is my motto hehe. 


To use old Sylvia Browne for a minute. Her prices were huge imo, but I read in her book she had an office, an employee, and other fees, 

I guess it boils down to how much you would personally pay for a reading.  , and how much you need to charge to make rent, your car payments. Mortgages,  etc. 


It is impressive if do end up living solely from your trot readings. 

My own advice would be to do it as a side job for one simple reason instead, not building a clinetale

But for your love of reading tarot. 


I know do what you love eh? 

I know if I had to do tarot readings to live, my love of doing readings would dimish. 


I was thinking to myself last night . 

How they say for entertainment purposes only which is to cover our tracks. For sometimes the cards are off, the information provided is wrong. We ourselves may be having an off time due to astrology, or simply put life, especially life. 

With tarot on the side I can schedule at my leisure and make dure I have enough energy to do the readings. 


And also the responsibility of how the client takes our advice toomuch/far. 

"I quite my job because you said i was ready" that isn't what I said though  


Anyhow. I was wearing the black hat.  Go forward in your royal road if you truly believe "this is the way" 

🙂 mandoloran joke.





Could you help clarify a few things I'm not sure about, regarding your business, @tarotspace

Are you attempting to do your readings online only, via forums, etc?  Or do you do face-to-face readings in various settings?   Shops, parties, public places, your own home, etc? 

Do you refuse to do predictive readings?  And how would you define a 'predictive reading?'  Do you have a written list of the kinds of questions you do/don't work with?  How would you articulate your 'angle' —or selling point—as a tarot reader?  (What do you try to do for a client?)



21 hours ago, DanielJUK said:

It's always good to take a break when many things happen and you are stressed, self-care is important 🙂


I can't speak directly for other communities and their policies and rules. But generally the predictive reading vs more self-help / psychological reading (non-predictive) discussion is a touch paper in some other communities on the net for fireworks and angry arguments. It's a red-hot current topic. Moderators dealing with that situation will want to calm it down and also posting beyond having an opinion on it, for example telling other members that they might be misinformed because of predictions might fall foul of trolling rules. There is a line between having an opinion on it and affecting other members on it. In an angry discussion in a community, the staff will just want to calm it down and get rid of the people disrupting. It's probably not even anything personal but it's unfortunate it's this topic. I have seen it get very angry in other places online on this and you have been caught up in it.


In this community we have a simple first rule about respecting one another. Some people here do not do predictive readings and hold that opinion about them, others do, we have to respect the differences. We also strongly police to allow everyone to have their own methods of doing it and not let one dominate the others. It's a live and let live attitude, all tarot methods are welcome.


About having a tarot business, you are going to get people asking for predictive readings? They make up a lot of readings asked, so on a practical level how are you going to deal with those? If you flat out refuse, clients will go to other readers who will do them.


I'm sorry you feel disconnected from the community overall but this is a really provocative issue currently in some corners of the tarot internet.

Following up on this response, this really connected about tarot and see what's going on in tarot communities online although I'm sure that these incidents can be handled better even if it's a not case by case. For further context the moderator gave me a warning and then just banned from the server completely dismissing me and disconnecting from the entire topic. Although, no rules or policies were broken on my behalf it really just displaced and disconnect me overall as a member in the community.  Even though all tarot methods, techniques, and practices are legitimate and respected, however there is a need to remind others about the reality and truth of tarot readings consistently even if there will be rejection and disconnection. In my opinion, all tarot readers' practices should be respected however it doesn't mean that we should dismiss them of responsibility and accountability for their contributions.



Being in this community, it has a warm yet genuine vibrancy to it and it shows for itself through all the members that connect in this community not only about or for tarot readings but to shower support on one another especially there difficult bumps in the road. Agreeably all tarot methods should be respected and none overshadows the other as each is different and special in that way. In my eyes, tarot methods should be accepted whether we agree to them or not but that doesn't imply the need to connect to them because another person's values or influence.



In the tarot business, there are many clients and audience who will inquiry about predictive readings which you can choose or choose not to offer. Although, it is normal to see tarot business offer this service there is a disclaimer such as " this is for entertainment purposes only". As you can imagine it can be tough to deal will predictive readings generally since there is no clear boundaries or guidelines provided the only one being, tarot can predict the future. Professionally, information about how tarot readings are processed and work are disclosed to clients/audience beforehand that way there are disruptions to service and disagreements in between the reading online/offline. No tarot reader is perfect or can do everything that is asked of them however remaining true to your path, yourself, and others is probably most understated. Being you is enough and that's all that needs to be. There are different tarot readers who can probably suit or connect to that person better and that's okay, it's understandable that there is competition. It's not only important to recognize tarot readers but also the projects, creations, and collaborations too therefore we all should really support one another. 


Thank you for the expertise and encouragement but there's no need for the apology! Good luck!☺️









15 hours ago, Chariot said:

Could you help clarify a few things I'm not sure about, regarding your business, @tarotspace

Are you attempting to do your readings online only, via forums, etc?  Or do you do face-to-face readings in various settings?   Shops, parties, public places, your own home, etc? 

Do you refuse to do predictive readings?  And how would you define a 'predictive reading?'  Do you have a written list of the kinds of questions you do/don't work with?  How would you articulate your 'angle' —or selling point—as a tarot reader?  (What do you try to do for a client?)

Online tarot readings were something professionally considered doing before however have respectfully come to the decision has to not to offer these services due to personal commitments and values. Prior to this, tarot readings in person and online were completed and have been a challenge until this day because of circumstances that are more than what I can manage.



Although I do not favor tarot readings that predict the future I do find myself enjoying predictive tarot readings that don't necessarily predict the future. As a tarot reader, tarot can be used for different reasons and purposes but the one I connect to most is self-growth/self-care and creating a space that is safe and welcoming to all tarot members of course. Particularly seeing people connect to the tarot reading and having their own insights to resonate with is the most fulfilling. When working with clients answers are not typically given but a response that address the question so that they can come to their own decision.


I hope this clarifies some of the questions. Good luck!



16 hours ago, HOLMES said:

Hello there. 

I would to speak to quitting job and going full time as a tarot reader. 

Over here I read the tarot on the side for 40 for ten cards. 

It is out of practical for my mindset is how much I would of to charge in other to flourish and not just get by.. 

I belonged to some online sites. Keen, bit wines over the year.

And it sure is hard work, 

You really have to put yourself out.. and pay advertising. 


My own personal issue is I refuse to spam my friends with my services. They know where I live is my motto hehe. 


To use old Sylvia Browne for a minute. Her prices were huge imo, but I read in her book she had an office, an employee, and other fees, 

I guess it boils down to how much you would personally pay for a reading.  , and how much you need to charge to make rent, your car payments. Mortgages,  etc. 


It is impressive if do end up living solely from your trot readings. 

My own advice would be to do it as a side job for one simple reason instead, not building a clinetale

But for your love of reading tarot. 


I know do what you love eh? 

I know if I had to do tarot readings to live, my love of doing readings would dimish. 


I was thinking to myself last night . 

How they say for entertainment purposes only which is to cover our tracks. For sometimes the cards are off, the information provided is wrong. We ourselves may be having an off time due to astrology, or simply put life, especially life. 

With tarot on the side I can schedule at my leisure and make dure I have enough energy to do the readings. 


And also the responsibility of how the client takes our advice toomuch/far. 

"I quite my job because you said i was ready" that isn't what I said though  


Anyhow. I was wearing the black hat.  Go forward in your royal road if you truly believe "this is the way" 

🙂 mandoloran joke.

Absolutely, do as feel is true to your heart and the path you are on! A professional tarot reader needs to commit much more time and energy to their business however it can be fruitful and beautiful as well. However, do be considerate and deliberate in your intentions and having a business plan before committing or you may see yourself struggle. As always never give up on your dreams and keep going to where it may one day take you.


Although tarot readers can be suspicious and have a lack of communication it is up to each of us to discern what is right or not for ourselves. Don't be too stressed about this and trust the truth prevails.


Even though, being a tarot reader can be amazing you can deal with difficult clients that misinterpret or distort your readings it's crucial to communicate and provide necessary information however do not invest your energy or time in trying to please or satisfy the client. The saying, "the customer is always right" does not work and is not accurate. How you deal with your clients will be different case by case do it's helpful to have a guideline to follow upon encountering them.


Best wishes and good luck!

P.S. I've heard to mandoloran but never saw the movie/series and thank you for the smile! 😁

16 hours ago, HOLMES said:





8 hours ago, tarotspace said:


Although I do not favor tarot readings that predict the future I do find myself enjoying predictive tarot readings that don't necessarily predict the future. As a tarot reader, tarot can be used for different reasons and purposes but the one I connect to most is self-growth/self-care and creating a space that is safe and welcoming to all tarot members of course.

Forgive me if I'm asking something you've already considered and/or done, but what if you made a list of the kinds of questions you DO deal with, or do want to deal with?  In other words, frame requests so the person knows your reading will be about self-growth and self-care?  Is that possible?  

This is clumsy, and just made up on the spot, but something like:  What do I need to understand about myself that will help me manage events over the next month?  Or:  What do I need to eliminate from my life just now, in order to move forward?  Or: What can I do to attract the kinds of people I would like to have in my life?  Or: Why do I struggle to make/keep friends?  How can I change that?  

None of these are predictive, but all of them (and similar questions) could address the baseline that concerns the client, and can improve their self-knowledge.  If you made a long list of these kinds of questions, and included them in whatever self-promotion you do, that might help with focus?

Just playing around with some ideas....



9 hours ago, Chariot said:

Forgive me if I'm asking something you've already considered and/or done, but what if you made a list of the kinds of questions you DO deal with, or do want to deal with?  In other words, frame requests so the person knows your reading will be about self-growth and self-care?  Is that possible?  

This is clumsy, and just made up on the spot, but something like:  What do I need to understand about myself that will help me manage events over the next month?  Or:  What do I need to eliminate from my life just now, in order to move forward?  Or: What can I do to attract the kinds of people I would like to have in my life?  Or: Why do I struggle to make/keep friends?  How can I change that?  

None of these are predictive, but all of them (and similar questions) could address the baseline that concerns the client, and can improve their self-knowledge.  If you made a long list of these kinds of questions, and included them in whatever self-promotion you do, that might help with focus?

Just playing around with some ideas....

Following up on your question, normally there will be a list of subjects that aren't negotiable  in the contract or in the guidelines of the offer. For instance, the the subject of predictive readings in my case even if it's related to this, these inquiries are not processed or handled and the client/customer is informed. Usually there isn't a lists of acceptable questions provided just because all questions are phrased different and can cause miscommunication issues. Although, the best questions that can be asked are open-ended, clear, and specific so the reader can understand the intention and to process it. For an example, What do I need to know about the crucial events in my life at the present? And from one of question above, "Why do I struggle to make/keep friends? How can I change that?" . Could be restated as, "How can relationships/friendships struggling in my life change? Why does it seem to reconnect in most of the relationships/friendships in my life?" The questions you've provided as examples are great and connects to self-reflection although more can be done to make its intention and energy more clearer to the reader.


I hope this clarifies everything and good luck!



You do sound totally disheartened; have you considered asking someone else to read on that for you ? Every post, every response to a suggestion, seems so very negative. I'm not convinced you can see things clearly just now.



8 hours ago, gregory said:

You do sound totally disheartened; have you considered asking someone else to read on that for you ? Every post, every response to a suggestion, seems so very negative. I'm not convinced you can see things clearly just now.

That's a great idea, @gregory !  Why not?


Posted (edited)

Hi @tarotspace


from reading your post there is one thing I didn't understand. Did you just start with Tarot in 2021 and then go professional after one year?


This may be part of the issue. I had read for 15 years before I started reading professionally. Of course everyone is different ... but I have seen many ppl in online spaces who went pro too soon and then got jaded, burnt-out, or discouraged. NOT saying this is you ... but it may be something to consider.


You mentioned writing a business plan. That's great. The other thing I've seen a lot ... ppl who decide to go pro with no business plan ... and it often ends badly.  You might want to tweak your plan to allow for 2 jobs.


Even when I went pro [working the phone lines back in the 90s] I also had another job dancing in a Greek restaurant. I would have gotten too depressed just listening to people's problems locked in my apartment on the telephone. I needed the outlet of a more social and physically active job to balance the emotional and psychic drain of reading cards professionally.


Very few ppl make a lot of money reading cards. I fell into it during a local recession and as soon as the economy recovered I found I could make MUCH more money doing other things.


Now I'm semi retired and returned to reading tarot part time. I enjoy it ... but I would never want to do if full time. Part time is all i can handle.


Of course YMMV ... but hope this helps.

Edited by Misterei


17 hours ago, gregory said:

You do sound totally disheartened; have you considered asking someone else to read on that for you ? Every post, every response to a suggestion, seems so very negative. I'm not convinced you can see things clearly just now.


Thank you for mentioning this, even though I do deal with negative emotions my intention is not to reflect that onto others. I am especially careful about when and how I connect online. Every time, a post or response is submitted there are revisions and errors done never meant to harm or hurt anyone. Although, a negative mood can be sensed, there is compassion and respect for others when I do connect. Sometimes I'm just doing the best I can for that day and certain days I am recharged. Even I question myself if I should be posting or responding recently and most of the time I refrain from doing so because I'm just really tired.



Also, bear in mind @gregory that when comment or respond to posts and suggestion I tend to sit on them for a bit and actually consider what I am saying although it can seem negative it's not intended to disrespect or disregard anyone's contribution. Normally, being professional and considerate while mindful of the messages share to me I consider and see them before there is a response from me. If it were to confuse or doubt from the content or suggestion, I'd reach out for clarification.



@tarotspace - I do like @gregory's suggestion, though.  Your feelings of discouragement might well benefit from a tarot reading about the issue, done by somebody other than yourself.  (I'm not volunteering, but somebody else on this forum might do.)  It's worth asking, isn't it?  There might be an aspect of your situation that can change, once you become aware of how important it is.  Helping somebody who is at a crossroads or who seems mired in a situation is one of the huge benefits of tarot!   But sometimes you're too close to the situation to read for yourself.



I should say we don't allow offering readings outside the exchange areas or just asking for a reading anywhere on the forum.

If you want to get a reading on this @tarotspace have a look who is currently offering them in threads in the Tarot Exchange and you can ask for someone.

Or get a professional reading from someone near you or you trust. Some of our members promote their professional reading services, look at the link directory above or the ad banner on the page which is always from a member.



I didn't mean on the forum when I suggested it actually - I assumed @tarotspace would know readers they trust ?



On 3/18/2023 at 2:31 PM, Misterei said:

Hi @tarotspace


from reading your post there is one thing I didn't understand. Did you just start with Tarot in 2021 and then go professional after one year?


This may be part of the issue. I had read for 15 years before I started reading professionally. Of course everyone is different ... but I have seen many ppl in online spaces who went pro too soon and then got jaded, burnt-out, or discouraged. NOT saying this is you ... but it may be something to consider.


You mentioned writing a business plan. That's great. The other thing I've seen a lot ... ppl who decide to go pro with no business plan ... and it often ends badly.  You might want to tweak your plan to allow for 2 jobs.


Even when I went pro [working the phone lines back in the 90s] I also had another job dancing in a Greek restaurant. I would have gotten too depressed just listening to people's problems locked in my apartment on the telephone. I needed the outlet of a more social and physically active job to balance the emotional and psychic drain of reading cards professionally.


Very few ppl make a lot of money reading cards. I fell into it during a local recession and as soon as the economy recovered I found I could make MUCH more money doing other things.


Now I'm semi retired and returned to reading tarot part time. I enjoy it ... but I would never want to do if full time. Part time is all i can handle.


Of course YMMV ... but hope this helps.

Hi, @Misterei thank you for reaching out and connecting with me to your experience in tarot! In 2021, there was indeed a professional transactions that ultimately led to me dealing with from a business perception. However, it was a bit longer than a year that I began to pursue my interests in tarot so it really was both a challenge and risky opportunity at the time due to circumstances.


Definitely, the lack of experience that could be improved upon was assumption that was a mistake due to the complexity of dealing with not only business transactions but clients and contracts too.  Over time due to difficult experiences it set back me back personally and physically therefore I've decided not to offer personal tarot readings and decide on a different business plan.



This happens to me as well when I become so tired and drained after tarot readings therefore cannot really do much in the day and resorted to coping as in distracting myself and convinced that if I were to "recharge" things would okay. Professionally, tarot shouldn't be solely relied or depended upon to earn a living which is why I find a professional position although there are few handful of people who can do this.



Tarot isn't a stable and reliable mainstream income initially although with a plan and collaboration it can just work, however it's become lucrative and unsafe due to poor practices, risky conspiracies, and regulation. This really does affect tarot businesses and it's pretty severe to the point most just discern it all together.



It's official to say that tarot readings for individuals will not be offered except for when connecting to friends and peers.


Thank you this really did encourage and support me! Good luck!






Is your name tarotspace? I'm trying to understand your post. 


You have a lot going on. 

Firstly, there is a lot going on that made people think very abstract thoughts and how about this, people that have a very shallow thought process. 


2020 brought in the clearest vision

( remember your third eye is an all seeing eye). It was a world wide take down on humanity while our eyes were wide open. 


And it still is going on today. 

With that, I would not let anyone discouraged me. 

Right now there are only 2 types of personalities- ones that got "it" and the ones that did not get "it". But if you know what "it" means  , you know what I mean. 


So do not let people make you feel apprehensive in what ypu love doing. 


I live in a very suppressed area. 

We had to transfer for work. 

Classic example: There is a so called want-to-be crystal hoodoo/voodoo place where these practioners  rent rooms to do what they do. 

As I went there for that traveling aura photography, the practioners  were in their lunch room with garbage fast food take out!!!! How could anyone be an authentic healer while eating the cheapest processed food????

I was so drained that when I got home I slept 18 hours. 18!!!!!!!! 


But that isn't going to hinder me from doing what I love. They are just not my tribe and need far too much work than I am willing to offer. 


So don't give up. 

I would have to see you live to truly help you out. There are so many avenues ypu can take that would require focus and attraction. And ypu have to truly believe in focus and attraction for it to work for you. 


Don't let some people that are fuzzy in their actions/words/mannerisms or lack of hinder you. 



And perhaps and I have to listen to myself with this too- 


Perhaps if you made that post a question instead of a statement things would be different????? 


Sometimes I too just want to get it out there. Unfortunately, that doesn't work out.



I am sorry to hear about your experiences. I concur tarot cannot predict the future logically. It provides insights and paths for the inquirers to take, but it's totally up to their free will. Before performing a reading, I tell people I can only advise and give insights. They are free to decide what to do based on my reading. Have you ever considered being a part-time tarot reader on one of the psychic advising platforms like Purple Ocean? I've been with them for two years, but I don't get many clients since they prefer a 1-hour response instead of a 24-hour reply. If you have some free time, you can earn extra money by doing readings to gain experience before starting your own business. I wish you the best of luck in the tarot world!



No. I wouldn't and couldn't do it professional. I would get sick. 


I'm doing other avenues of adventure. 


It's way worse where I live than what I wrote back in April. 



On 8/23/2023 at 1:58 PM, BriarRose said:

No. I wouldn't and couldn't do it professional. I would get sick. 


I'm doing other avenues of adventure. 


It's way worse where I live than what I wrote back in April. 

Thank you for taking the time to write the response and follow up as I really appreciate it. I apologize for the late response as I'm writing back before the holidays however would love to continue this conversation more about working with passion not just in tarot but other professions too. For context, the format was written at a time where I was confused and seeking clarity on what exactly it was I've been experiencing in the tarot community online through various of social media platforms. It's true that I was not self-aware nor conscious of the situation I had placed myself in back then therefore that written format was released to seek guidance and clarity on the challenges I was facing as a "professional" tarot reader. It became really obvious that I needed to let go of that role that I was attached to and connected myself to reconnect to who I was as a person therefore it changed my perspective and opinion on tarot and would like to evaluate it a bit more before committing to sharing anything. Merry Christmas and I'm grateful that you reached out to me to share a bit about yourself and experience too! ☺️

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