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Sigh---This Woke Me Up Today



The sound of giant helicopters woke me up this morning.  I was hoping this year wouldn't bring forest fire alerts since we got a lot of rain and snow over the fall and winter but so much for my hopes.  We aren't under evacuation alert yet but it's been windy lately so that could change any time.  The giant helicopters are dipping water from the river near us to go back and dump on the fire. The fire is a few miles from Oakridge.  Oakridge is 4 miles from us and the fire is several miles from there to the west, if I'm figuring right.  


It's almost 2pm now and the helicopters haven't flown by in awhile so maybe they have it under control.  I hope so. I want to paint today, not evacuate.




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Here in central Ontario the sunny sky has turned to hazy beige / brown from all the smoke of fires up north and in Quebec. 

We live on a road going straight east through the bush. Fires usually come with the prevailing west winds.

Iffff it should happen here. there is no way out other than through the fire zone. 

Nothing to worry about right now, but still..... 😞







The choppers are back.


Mi-Shell, I know how your sky must look.  I've seen the sky look a deep apocolyptic maroon-ish black with ash falling out of the sky like snow a couple years ago when the upper McKenzie was burning.  I wish you well and hope you escape anything terrible.


Thank you for the link, fire cat pickles.  



2 minutes ago, Grizabella said:


You can see from that picture what the area looks like where I live.  Just miles and miles and miles and more miles of mountains and forest.  Westfir is the nearest "town" of 253 population and the "thriving metropolis" of Oakridge four miles from here is about 3200 population.  


I have to quote myself because I can't find the edit button here in the blog.   I'll keep looking.



I hope everyone is safe from harm. 



Stay safe everyone! And keep us posted!



This morning it is cool here, the sun is not getting through the thick brown haze. It is up in the sky  as a large dark orange ball.

We have an air quality advisory.

Friends of us from a Native village/ reserve up at the St Laurence River have been evacuated and had to leave everything behind, including their sled dogs. 

They opened the kennels and now the Animals are in the forest.

Hopefully they avoid the Wolves and stay save.






A somber morning



2 hours ago, Mi-Shell said:




A somber morning

That does not look good at all. Does it affect your breathing much? 



That's really a nasty looking sky, Mi-Shell.  Last year my medical insurance provided me with a free air purifier like the armed services used in Afghanistan plus a free extra filter and that helped tremendously.  The air quality from forest fires is very bad and very toxic.  I was a chain smoker till I quit in 1989 and air quality affects me badly so I was very thankful for the air purifier.  The extra filter is very appreciated as well because they're $70 to buy.


I hope you stay indoors as much as you can, Mi-Shell, and that the fires can be under control and put out very soon.



No helicopters today so the fire is contained, I'm pretty sure. It turned out to be only 2 acres in size, slow moving and mostly in underbrush so I'm optimistic.  A 2-acre fire and being slow moving and in the underbrush is still a dangerous fire in the forest, especially on steep terrain like this one but being able to hit it with the helicopters hauling water was very fortunate.  Last year the fire was on steep terrain but fire got away from the firefighters because there were so many fires here and in other states that there weren't enough resources to go around. Therewere no helicopters or planes we could have here in this area and firefighters were spread thin.



4 hours ago, Raggydoll said:

That does not look good at all. Does it affect your breathing much? 

Well, I do not know -

I do have a lingering headache and feel tiered  but is that from the smoke?

On top of that In town today everyone is wearing clouds of bug spray and there is bug spray in the air in the entrances of many stores, so that is a factor. 

Since I we wear full net-dresses I have to peer out through the mesh and it just ads stress.....

Pic is from the net:




The irritation of the smoke can cause a sinus infection, or at least such irritation of the lining of the sinuses that they cause a headache.  And insecticides are the world's deadliest poisons so those are definitely bad.  I don't use flea inssecticides on my pets because of that. And for flies and other bugs in the house, I use those old=fashioned sticky fly strips.



The headache could of course be the result from either of those things. You’ll know that since you’re a nurse, but do take care. Smoke particles aren’t good for the lungs, but if the exposure is limited then the lungs recover. My husband is specialized in thoracic intensive care so respiratory health is a big topic in our house. 

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