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Qabalah - The Magician (Major Arcana 1) Path 12

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Path 12 - Kether (Crown) to Binah (Understanding/Cups)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air


At this point, we take the fuel and energy of potential we moved to from Chokmah (Wisdom) and we now begin to intuitively understand and contemplate the energy of what has started - it is the power where we birth the abstract into reality.  The seed is planted in Chokmah (Father) - but birthed in Binah (Mother).  The Magnus is wise and aware that we have the power through thought and action to manifest our true desires - Mercury lends it energy to help us speak or intentions to the Universe.  The Magician reminds us that we have the power to create - we must act - not react - if we do not use the power - we do not have the power


The Three of Wands is called 'Virtue' - the powerful fire understands its responsibilty.

The Three of Cups is called Abundance, understanding how rich the waters of emotions flow.

The Three of the Swords is called Sorrow, the Air understands the dark side of Binah, the Swords express melancholy.

Three of Disks stands for Work - the earth understands the need of making in order to proceed.


@WildWoman71, Why path 12, what is the significance of the path numbers, who /what numbered them, why is the magician the first card of the Majors. I never understood (but would like to) when people claim that the Majors takes you through "the journey of the Fool", why the Magician sits at the start of the journey. I have an intellectual sense of the what the Magician symbolizes, but not why it is placed where it is (I suspect at least equally as important).

Posted (edited)

Why path 12, what is the significance of the path numbers, who /what numbered them, why is the magician the first card of the Majors. I never understood (but would like to) when people claim that the Majors takes you through "the journey of the Fool", why the Magician sits at the start of the journey. I have an intellectual sense of the what the Magician symbolizes, but not why it is placed where it is (I suspect at least equally as important).

First let me preface - I am NOT an expert in this area - these are just my understanding - and if someone more knowlegable comes along I am more than open to broaden or change my understanding....


So the Tree of Life is derived from the Flower of Life - there are 10 nodes:  The nodes are related to the Minor Arcana and how we understand the Sephirot which are the 22 pathways connecting the Nodes - below - 












So the Fool's Journey starts at Pathway 11 - the Path from Crown to Wisdom...the 22 Paths assigned at this point also correlate to the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.  The Fool's Journey is his/her Spiritual evolution - is pure spirit - pure energy - potential - he/she works his way down the tree of life to take on form and function as he moves




Why path 12, what is the significance of the path numbers, who /what numbered them, why is the magician the first card of the Majors

 The Magician and the Fool are symbiotic - you can not have one without the other - one is the car and the other the engine - one the Father and one the Mother - one the idea - and the other the womb to birth and create the idea to reality

Edited by WildWoman71
Posted (edited)


In my personal Qabalistic practices, I don't attribute specific cards to specific paths any more.  Kind of like I don't open up a LWB and point to the keywords and say "This is how I'll interpret these cards in every reading". 

What I do instead, with a really strong sense of what the ten sefirot represent to me in context to whatever kind of pathworking or shadow work or whatever else I'm up to?  I pick a path and then a deck and then a card from that deck that makes the most sense to wherever my brain is at when I'm trying to do something that is about shifting my energy or state of consciousness from one sefira to another.  

But that all came from years of following the work and methodology of the Golden Dawn-Era magicians and authors expanding

 upon their work.   And I still read the LWB with every new deck I pick up that has one; I look at all the cards, then I read the LWB/guidebook, then I look at all the cards again.

So I'm finding it really useful myself to go back now after a few years away from it and see the conventions, more than I expected back in mid September when tarot, magick and me started to waltz again after a long Dark Night Of The Soul 🙂

Edited by TheLoracular
1 hour ago, TheLoracular said:


In my personal Qabalistic practices, I don't attribute specific cards to specific paths any more.  Kind of like I don't open up a LWB and point to the keywords and say "This is how I'll interpret these cards in every reading". 

What I do instead, with a really strong sense of what the ten sefirot represent to me in context to whatever kind of pathworking or shadow work or whatever else I'm up to?  I pick a path and then a deck and then a card from that deck that makes the most sense to wherever my brain is at when I'm trying to do something that is about shifting my energy or state of consciousness from one sefira to another. 

@TheLoracular, thank you, I appreciate this perspective a lot!

Posted (edited)

In my personal Qabalistic practices, I don't attribute specific cards to specific paths any more.  Kind of like I don't open up a LWB and point to the keywords and say "This is how I'll interpret these cards in every reading". 

What I do instead, with a really strong sense of what the ten sefirot represent to me in context to whatever kind of pathworking or shadow work or whatever else I'm up to?  I pick a path and then a deck and then a card from that deck that makes the most sense to wherever my brain is at when I'm trying to do something that is about shifting my energy or state of consciousness from one sefira to another.  


In my personal Qabalistic practices, I don't attribute specific cards to specific paths any more.  Kind of like I don't open up a LWB and point to the keywords and say "This is how I'll interpret these cards in every reading". 

What I do instead, with a really strong sense of what the ten sefirot represent to me in context to whatever kind of pathworking or shadow work or whatever else I'm up to?  I pick a path and then a deck and then a card from that deck that makes the most sense to wherever my brain is at when I'm trying to do something that is about shifting my energy or state of consciousness from one sefira to another.  

I need to integrate the 10 sephirot and the 'assigned pathways' into my readings for a short term to see how the messages are taken - for me, if I'm doing a reading where a position is in line with one or more sephirot - ie. How can I understand this situation....or what wisdom should I rely on - and I pull a PATHWAY card - let's call it - I may want to explore the two sephirot's the assigned pathway connects - to my current situation of understanding

Edited by WildWoman71

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