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open reading method

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Hi over the last year I have been getting more interested in the open reading way of approaching the major arcana. I have found for me that it gives me greater insight when reading. So I wondered what peoples thoughts and ideas were on this method of reading.

fire cat pickles

Can you explain this method more?


@Mr Green, are you talking about Yoav Ben-Dov’s Open Reading method? If so, this method has been a major influence on my reading style and I recommend pretty much anything Dr. Ben-Dov ever endorsed concerning reading the tarot. He was an exceptional scholar and reader. (RIP Dr. Ben-Dov!)


With great difficultly, Ben Dov is who I read first, then Jodosky and from there I looked into the French way ? of looks and glances. It has helped me in, I feel, of getting away from the memory study of each card and as I say given me more freedom. The one attempt to give an idea is say the lovers card main stream meaning decisions romance, but you can (open) this up to thoughts on which way to go on work, family relation ships, mother and son problems. When you look at the card TDM. and let your intuition in all sorts of insights come forth, in my HMO....  


Yes Yoav Ben-Dov  When I first read his book it went strait past me, but as you can se  I have now opened to his approach. Have you seen the you tube video of the talk he gave on quantum theory and the tarot ? some years ago, its in English... 

18 minutes ago, Mr Green said:

Yes Yoav Ben-Dov  When I first read his book it went strait past me, but as you can se  I have now opened to his approach. Have you seen the you tube video of the talk he gave on quantum theory and the tarot ? some years ago, its in English... 

Yes, I saw that video of his a long time ago now! It is worth watching for sure.


I am glad that his reading methodology is helping you as much as it expanded my own practice. 🙂 


Thanks for sharing the ideas about this interesting technique @Mr Green


Can this be used with any deck generally or just TdM decks? If its just TdM I will move this into that section.


Hi, I think TDM is the way to go, but others may have different ideas. Maybe fire cat pickles is best to ask ?....

fire cat pickles

I am not familiar with this spread unfortunately.  I don't use spreads with TdMs 🤭


Hi fire cat, long time reply. With the open reading method? it is starts with 3 cards drawn in any way that you feel. Have a look at Jodorowsky on you tube. I am using a 2 card start draw then adding 2 more for depth. You read totally in open manner, left to right, right to left, middle card first ect,. It could be called intuitive reading I think...


fire cat pickles
Posted (edited)

Thank you for the reply.


I will definitely have a look, but this sounds like what I do. I rarely use spreads with the TdM. (A little off-topic... I know I'm contradicting myself here, but I  used a spread recently with the Minchiate in a monthly lunar reading circle. It went surprisingly well.)


Edited by fire cat pickles

I've moved this now into the TdM section, it's quite a specific reading method with that system so works better in this area 🙂

fire cat pickles
54 minutes ago, Mr Green said:

It could be called intuitive reading I think...

Could be. After I look at the videos later on my laptop (I'm on my phone at work) I'll compare it to Enrique Enriquez's technique. It may be close to his "eye rhymes" method, which is part of what I usually incorporate in my readings.


I use the open reading myself but include the pips in the deck

this can work easily and Wolf of Coins on YouTube. Also 

uses and demonstrates this method.  


i learnt TdM from Ben Dov's book Tarot the Open Reading. I used this technique organically with other decks before reading the book. So I use it for any deck [not just TdM]. But I also don;t use open reading exclusively. I mostly use spreads and occasionally use open reading.


Dr Ben-Dov's open reading technique is one method I use to read Marseille and other pip decks, including playing cards. When reading any pip deck I include the full deck, and read lines of three, five, or seven, a star of five (one card in the middle, and one card above, below, and to either side), or 3x3 tableaux. If I'm reading TdM, sometimes I'll separate the atoutes (Trumps/Triumphs/Major Arcana), read them first, then use the pips and face cards as clarifiers/to get more information. When I read I use the the Open Reading technique initially, and if that doesn't give me an interpretation, or its only partial, I'll bring in Dawn Jackson's Hedgewytch cartomancy (Cartomancy for the Witch of Poor Memory), and Roger J. Horne's the Devil's Picture-Book. I find all three systems easy to remember and effective (Dawn Jackson's & Roger Horne's systems using mnemonic poems is especially helpful I find).

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