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Halloween / Samhain / Beltane Spreads Collection

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It's the perfect time of year for these seasonal spreads. I thought to gather them all in one place in the Spreads area if they are helpful for anyone in future.


We always do our Halloween / Samhain / Beltane reading circle in October every year in this area here


Do add any of your fave Halloween / Samhain / Beltane spreads to this section. Please link to the source and / or credit the creator if you post them here 🙂



 🎃 Halloween Spreads 🎃



- Haunted House Spread by Metafizzypop


The layout of cards is supposed to be shaped like a house.









1 - The Skeletons in the Closet - The secrets you keep from others.


2 - The Rats in the Basement - The secrets you keep from yourself.


3 - The Black Cat in the Parlour - What makes your claws come out?


4 - The Jack O Lantern in the Kitchen - What, or who, would you like to carve up with a knife?


5 - The Ghost in the Bedroom - What, or who, haunts your mind and thoughts?


6 - The Spider in the Bathroom - What totally creeps you out.


7 - The Bats in the Attic - What drives you to the brink of madness.


8 - The Front Door - The way out of all this insanity ......... or maybe, the way in. Mwahahahahahahaha!!!


This spread's intention is to be light-hearted and is originally from here.



- "By the Light of the Moon" (A Halloween/Samhain) Spread

by Wisp Wings from here




*********1***** (The spread should be half-moon shaped.)]


1. "What tricks do you excel in? These are your talents you have or are able to develop in your life." (See this as "Strengths")


2. "What treats or gifts are you to receive? Perhaps this is a gift you have in your life that you need to harvest, instead of allowing to lay at waste in the field." (See this as Gift)


3. From the spirit world, what advice shall this realm impart to you. (Spirit Advice card)



- Trick or Treat Spread by Aulruna from here


Costume: What you're wearing for the party - the situation.

Trick: The shadow/the unexpected

Treat: The positive side/opportunities

The Candy Bag: What you can take home - the outcome.



- Libra's Jack o'Lantern Spread


A bit of shadow work inspired by carving a jack o'Lantern! (carved pumpkin lantern for us international folk)


1. The Pumpkin - You, as a whole. A card the represents your fullest self.

2. The Carving - The part of you that have been lost, cut away.

3. The Candle - You inherently carry great beauty inside. This card will show how the cracks let the light shine out


Full Spread Thread and picture of the layout ....




- Afraid of the Dark Spread by Sammie


1. What are you afraid of? Deep down, inside yourself - where you don’t look very often, what is it that you are really afraid of that you won’t admit even to yourself.

2. What will turn on the light? What can make this secret fear go away, to make you feel more at peace within yourself - or what will reveal this fear to you.


Spread and image of the layout here



- The Magic Cauldron Spread by Sammie


1. What’s in the pot? The current situation or the problem at hand.

2. What stirs the pot? What influences this situation or problem - something that agitates it in some way.

3. What needs to be added? What can you do to enhance the situation or problem - to make that brew taste better!

4. What comes out of the pot? The end result, how the situation will develop or how the problem will work out in the end.


Spread and image of the layout here



- Witch’s Hat Halloween Spread by Rachelcat


1. Costume. You in relation to the issue.
2. Trick. Something going against you.
3. Treat. Something going for you.
4. Run away. Don’t do this.
5. Knock on the door. Do this.
6. Goodie bag. What you get (outcome).



- The Witches of Oz Spread by Rachelcat






1. Wicked Witch of the East: A negative in your life that you’ve already overcome

2. Wicked Witch of the West: A challenge you’re dealing with currently

3. Glinda the Good Witch of the North: Something or someone helping you with that challenge

4. Good Witch of the South: Something good coming to you that you don’t know about yet!

5. You as you receive all these influences


More Halloween Spreads on Glass Owl's Aelectic Halloween Spreads Collection here



👻 Samhain Spreads 👻


- Samhain Tarot Spread by interrobangtarot, suggested to us by Jewel


1. Life: What to Embrace

2. Death: What to Let Go Of

3. My Courage

4. My Fear

5. To Celebrate

6. To Contemplate


Full layout of this spread here

There is an image of the spread there but the odd numbered cards are the under world and even numbered are the upper world.



RavenOfSummer found some great spreads by Worts & Cunning......


- Hallowing: A Samhain Spread





🌱 Beltane Spreads 🌱


Whilst this is going on in the Northern Hemisphere in October, it's Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere. Here are some spreads for that....



- Fire + Fields: A Beltane Tarot Spread




- Llewellyn's Beltane spread suggested to us by Rose Lalonde

The May Queen Tarot Spread for Beltane




Position 1: Safety. 

What you need to feel safe. Where are you secure in yourself? A seemingly negative card describes a situation that needs your focused attention. Work with the energy of that card to produce feelings of safety.

Position 2: Abundance.
The emotional breadth of your life that is full and sweet. A challenging card directs you to constricted energy flow; by releasing the block of a challenging card, emotional abundance will follow.

Position 3: Regeneration.

The bold action needed to grow and flourish. A challenging card will show you the block that keeps you from your heart's desire.

Position 4: Love.

All forms of love, from friendship to sexual passion. Only you know your heart. Look at the suit of the card: what does it tell you about your life right now? 

Position 5: The Future.

The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future?



Do share with us if you use any of them and also do post your own faves and created spreads here, we will keep this as a collection of the best 🙂


Ohhh wow, these are so great! Can’t wait to do some of them!

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