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36. The King and Queen of Pentacles are arguing about money. What's the conversation?...

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36. The King and Queen of Pentacles are arguing about money. What's the general gist of the conversation? (And who wins?)


The Queen of Pentacles thinks that he is too generous, and the he spends too much money on luxury, instead of saving. The queen is more economical. The queen will win the argument.



I think the Queen must have overstepped her budget (probably spent it on the kids) ... the King thinks it was not a necessary expenditure, and the queen strongly that it was.


They may be arguing about not having enough and disagreeing on how best to deal with the situation. The Queen is about tightening the belts; the King is about broadening the scope of investments, possibly.


The King will 'win' - because the Queen will very gently lead him around to her way of thinking but let him have the final word so he feels he's won. :)


It's weird, but most of the ladies I know are more level-headed and pragmatic when it comes to finances compared to their men. The King as a monarch is supposed to have the final say, but in this instance, I think that the Queen will hold her ground while the King, thinking that what she's proposing is sensible after all, will give way, but only after some minor concessions.


It's weird, but most of the ladies I know are more level-headed and pragmatic when it comes to finances compared to their men. The King as a monarch is supposed to have the final say, but in this instance, I think that the Queen will hold her ground while the King, thinking that what she's proposing is sensible after all, will give way, but only after some minor concessions.

My husband would disagree with you LOL


I'm trying to do one of these questions a day to improve my understanding of the court.    I've been thinking about this one for days and I'm stuck.  This is really difficult.  I guess I don't see either of them as the argumentative type!  And I see them as personified prosperity - they have everything they need and don't have money worries.


The closest thing I can imagine is that they disagree about whether a particular investment is a good idea.  Or potentially, the Queen gives more to charity than the King would think necessary.  In either case, I see the Queen as more yielding than the King.


The King wants to buy a second real estate for Air B&B.  The Queen wants to start an education savings plan for the kids.  The Queen wins because she is the queen and because it's a sellers' market right now (where I am) so there will be greater returns in tax-advantages than net profits from B&B. 


I would say that they argue because of the bank in which they save their money. The king wants to change it, because he found a bank with better condition whereas the queen wants to stay in their current bank, because she know employees, (dis)advatnages, opening hours, etc.


O. <3 <3 <3


I think the King would be saying, we have plenty of money to spend on _____, but the Queen wants to save for their and their loved ones futures.  I think the Queen would be able to influence the King to be more mindful of family and loved ones and preserve their fortunes.


I think the Queen wants to sell their holiday home in France, because Brexit and Covid means they can't use it at the moment and it's just sitting there. She wants to reinvest in something nearer home.
The King doesn't think it is the right time to sell, as and wants to wait and see what happens to the property market and whether the vaccines have any effect on ability to travel and increasing the holiday trade.

I think the King will win this one, as he's only asking to wait and see, not refusing to sell at all. The Queen will accede for now.


I think the King is all about opulence "I own everything!" and so the possibility of not having enough material resources to meet the kingdom's needs never enters his mind. The Queen probably believes this to be the case, but because she is wiser, would like to see a little more restraint in royal expenditure because not everyone in the kingdom has such wealth (even though they have enough to meet their needs) and she doesn't want so set a bad example.


There's no clear winner to the argument because while the banquets are still lavish, the Queen works behind the scenes to get value for money.

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