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50. Which member of the Court is the biggest perfectionist?

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50. Which member of the Court is the biggest perfectionist?


The Knight of Pentacles is the biggest perfectionist; he takes care of every detail.



When I think of a perfectionist, I think of someone who is consciously striving to attain a result. Pentacles probably pay attention to details naturally, so I'm leaning more towards the Swords family. Someone who is consciously laying down a path in order to achieve an outcome. Mental processes at work. The Queen of Swords would probably be my first choice.


I am in agreement with the Queen of Swords.


For me it's the Queen of Swords.


For me, definitely the Queen of Swords.  For me, she has that driven intensity;  I imagine she has to learn not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


I would say it is the queen of pentacles, she needs to have perfectly clean household, no crumbles on the floor, no dirty clothes in the wardrobes, no old food for pets...


O. <3 <3 <3


l would have to say the Knight. He has to have everything tidy and neat.  A place for everything and everything in its place. He would spend hours perfecting what he is doing. 


I would say they express their perfectionism in different ways.


I would say the King of Pents is very metholodical so he would be practically expecting things to run smoothly and that all I and T were crossed. He would also move slowly which would make him a very detail oriented , takes ones time, perfectionist.


I would be concerned about the King of Wands. If things are not done to his idea of perfection he will get boiling mad! And I see him with fiery passion so he can be demanding.


Nobody wants to mess with the King or Queen of swords. They are merciless or seen to be So. They leave no room for other people’s ideas they see it as “my way or the highway!”


I see the King and Queen of cups as more happy and Type B type people. I think they would lovingly show people how to do things but they would be the type to be emotionally hard on themselves to succeed or they would be Type B lAid back people.


Queen of Pentacles seems so sweet and motherly. I think she would just lovingly guide people. And Queen of Wands seems like the fun creative type in the workplace. She’s a very warm and sweet energy.


Now for the pages. Page of wands would take things serious but not too serious. Page of cups is too goofy and sweet. He or she would be too loving to focus on full perfection cause the glass is almost full for them so to speak and the page of swords would be cutting and hard on others around them.


Knight of wands probably would be a perfectionist one day and uninterested the next. Knight of cups would do what they’re told with a charming attitude but they have more things to worry about then perfection. And knight of swords could be snappy and seem crazy to others around them if they expect perfection.




The Queen of Swords has very exacting standards. Since she also covers the last decan of Virgo, I'll have to say that she is the consummate perfectionist among the Courts. 


Yeah. As a Q swords I can say she's the perfectionist and sharp-tongued critic of the bunch.


I think it might depend on whether the person is expecting perfection from others, or whether they expect it of themselves. I can certainly see the Queen of Swords as somebody who insists on perfection from others, but I wonder if that person’s self awareness is such that they recognise their own faults.  The card that immediately jumped into my head to mean “perfectionist” in the sense of somebody who won’t move on until what they are working on is “perfect” is the Knight of Pentacles.  This person is slow, methodical, and does everything “right” before they move on. There is nothing slapdash about their approach.

Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Chariot said:

I think it might depend on whether the person is expecting perfection from others, or whether they expect it of themselves. I can certainly see the Queen of Swords as somebody who insists on perfection from others, ... “perfectionist” in the sense of somebody who won’t move on until what they are working on is “perfect” is the Knight of Pentacles.  This person is slow, methodical, and does everything “right” before they move on. There is nothing slapdash about their approach.

Interesting point. For me Q Swords expects perfection from herself. It's what makes her good at detailed work, law, dance, editing, for example. Her work often depends on perfection and accuracy. Getting off beat in a choreography can ruin the whole number for other dancers. Perfection is a must. Q Swords becomes critical when others don't measure up to her high standards. Her malefic aspect has to do with being nasty or critical. She's still perfectionist.


Vis a vis "methodical" vs. "perfectionist". Kn Coins benefic is methodical and advanced planning. But malefic, he just drifts with no plan [he's still a knight]. IMO only a benefic Kn Coins has the capacity to be perfectionist. If he works in finance, he must be perfectly accurate ... yet as a knight ... he's not yet head of his department. He's still on a learning curve. A malefic Kn Coins wouldn't care for accuracy. His work might be lazy and sloppy.


How i read these cards, anyway. As always YMMV😇

Edited by Misterei
Posted (edited)
On 5/3/2024 at 5:54 PM, Misterei said:

Interesting point. For me Q Swords expects perfection from herself. It's what makes her good at detailed work, law, dance, editing, for example. Her work often depends on perfection and accuracy. Getting off beat in a choreography can ruin the whole number for other dancers. Perfection is a must. Q Swords becomes critical when others don't measure up to her high standards. Her malefic aspect has to do with being nasty or critical. She's still perfectionist.


Vis a vis "methodical" vs. "perfectionist". Kn Coins benefic is methodical and advanced planning. But malefic, he just drifts with no plan [he's still a knight]. IMO only a benefic Kn Coins has the capacity to be perfectionist. If he works in finance, he must be perfectly accurate ... yet as a knight ... he's not yet head of his department. He's still on a learning curve. A malefic Kn Coins wouldn't care for accuracy. His work might be lazy and sloppy.


How i read these cards, anyway. As always YMMV😇

Yes, I take your points ...both of them.

The malefic Kn Coins would appear as a reversed card, in my readings.  I read the upright card as somebody who is slow BECAUSE they want to do it 'right.'  I read the upright Kn Coins as very very reliable.  I suppose lazy and unreliable in a stodgy way would also fit with the reversed card.

The Queen of Swords is a card that often leaves me a bit unclear.  I struggle to read her in a positive way, for some reason.  Maybe I identify her with a few  people I know who are basically 'difficult' people.  I'll give your interpretation some thought.   I do like the Queen of Swords in my Everyday Enchantment tarot deck, though, because she does seem to embody your view of her characteristics—rather than just sitting on a throne with a sword in her hand.




And here's the Knight of Coins, hard at perfecting his work ...



Edited by Chariot
3 hours ago, Chariot said:

... The Queen of Swords is a card that often leaves me a bit unclear.  I struggle to read her in a positive way, for some reason.  Maybe I identify her with a few  people I know who are basically 'difficult' people. ...                              

Yes. Q Swords malefic can be a back-stabber, poison gossip, frenemy, awful person. Generally the worst sort of vicious c*nt.

But Q Swords benefic? You want her as your lawyer, your editor, your choreographer, your designer. The work will be done to perfection 😉 If she's a true friend, she has a wicked clever wit and can make you laugh even in your darkest moments.

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