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Nine of Swords - Tyldwick


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Nine of Swords


The truth might set some people free, but for others it strips them bare and leaves them feeling raw and exposed. Curled in an emotional fetal position, they want desperately to shut off their minds. But what we resist will only persist; it needs to be dealt with. The mind may have manipulated things to make them sound good, but now the “writing is on the wall” (as seen by the swords pip) and the unvarnished truth is plain to see. It’s excruciating the way the brain can replay over and over the choices made or words said and the consequences that resulted. Simply saying “I’m sorry” is not going to fix what has been broken this time. But is it possible we are taking all the blame for something that is not our burden to bear? Who is really responsible for this mess? The tiny window with bars gives the impression of a cell in solitary confinement. And it does feel that way – as if we have run out of hope and options. All that seems left is regret for the past and anxiety for the future. Yet the window does let in fresh air and light; could there be another option out there?


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