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Are the Tarot cards calling you &/or You're a Beginner and Want to Learn?


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I have been reading Tarot since 1996 and studied both formally & informally. If anyone is interested in a serious 6-week course study, I am offering a beginner's Tarot course that starts on Feb 10th. You can sign up here:  https://www.sacredpathcourses.com/p/how-to-read-tarot-for-yourself-friends


And if you want to learn more about it, you can register for my free webinar (offered Wed., Jan 29th and Feb 5th) to learn more:  https://events.genndi.com/channel/SacredPathTarot


If you're interested in learning (rather than Googling and juggling post-it notes), please comment and let me know what you're most excited to learn.  Hope to see you there!!



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