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  1. Rose Lalonde

    Telos Tarot of 777

    From the album: Thoth Decks

    Author (lwb) - M. M. Meleen Artist - M. M. Meleen Card Size - 3.25×5″ First Published - October 2024 Publisher - Self-Published (originally a Kickstarter) Purchase here - https://tarotcart.com/thoth-inspired-tarot-decks/telos-tarot-of-777/ "A talismanic tarot, hand-painted in traditional art materials, ceremonially created with astrological timings through the decans."

    © M. M. Meleen 2024

  2. Rose Lalonde

    Tabula Mundi Tarot

    From the album: Thoth Decks

    By M. M. Meleen Card Size - 3.25 x 5 inches First Published - 2014 Publisher - Self-Published Deck available at tarotcart.com and app available at The Fools Dog. The fourfold color scale developed by the Golden Dawn using the framework of Alchemy, Astrology, and the Qabalah was referenced as each card was painted. Thoth based. Accompanying Book M is also available. https://www.tabulamundi.com/
  3. Marguerite

    Oracle of the Radiant Sun

    From the album: Oracle Decks

    Created By - Caroline Smith (artist) and John Astrop (astrologer and author) Publisher - Connections (early editions), Later editions: Red Feather (Imprint of Schiffer Publishing) First Published - 2002 ISBN - 9780764357152 Weight - 13.6 ounces Card Size - 2.56 x 3.94 in, 6.50cm x 10.00cm Box Size - 5.25 x 1.25 x 6.75 inches, 18.42 x 5.08 x 13.97 cm Language - English Purchase here - https://www.amazon.com/Oracle-Radiant-Sun-Caroline-Smith/dp/031230420X https://redfeathermbs.com/products/oracle-of-the-radiant-sun
  4. Info and Practice Exercises for Astrology & Tarot I'm copying the posts I added to the forum's mentorship section for a student who wanted to study astrology and tarot specifically, in case it's helpful to anyone, or in case you spot ways I can improve my info or approach. This is specific to the Golden Dawn tradition, decks like the Waite-Smith (RWS) and Thoth. It should also apply well to decks inspired by those, though how obvious that is will depend on symbols the artist chose to include or remove. This (fantastic) student was reading with the RWS, so I mainly reference that, but if you read with the Thoth, you won't have to add as much to the index cards we use as temporary flash cards, because you already have these astrological symbols on most of the cards. (The same is true of some other decks like the Tabula Mundi and the new Spirit Keepers.) (*I've removed posts where I gave feedback on completed exercises or answered questions specific to this student's interests, but hopefully it won't seem too choppy.*)
  5. I just read that Fortune's Wheelhouse has an upcoming book. MM Meleen says, "coming out with Llewellyn next year, about of course – esoteric tarot – co-written by myself and co-host T. Susan Chang. So we are busy being Mercurial scribes and trying to meet a tight deadline." And there will be new podcasts starting this week. "an all new format featuring episodes on the seven classical planets and the tarot cards that relate to them. We will be going in increasing Chaldean order, so the first new episode will be on lovely Luna (because who wants to start with Saturn!)" It will be released June 6th, and episodes will only be every other week thereafter." (If you missed it, they already created 78 episodes looking at esoteric symbols in Thoth and RWS art. It's free, or you can get extra info posts and support them starting at $1 per episode.) EDIT: The final title of the book ended up being Tarot Deciphered: Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern Tarot
  6. Hi, respected fellow forum members and technical wizards! Horary astrology uses the time a question is asked to draw a chart of the positions of the planets in the heavens. The premise is, "As above, so below," so at the moment the question is asked, the stars are aligned to answer the question, elegantly and precisely. Unfortunately, this traditional method is not widely known or practiced in the current day. I am new to the forums here, and interested in looking for horary questions for tutorial purposes here on the forum. I noticed that when questions are asked of the readers on the Tarot Exchange forum, the time is posted with the question the querent asked. This suggests a potential treasure trove for the purposes of horary study. This resource may be a lovely way for horary astrologers to get in some much-needed practice reading charts! Practically speaking, it might be best to permit the astrologers to choose which of the many questions on the tarot forum to work with. Horary works better for some questions than others, in that it is very practical and works better with concrete matters as opposed to spiritual ones. One skill the astrologer needs to develop is to be able to identify right away which questions are workable. One approach would simply be to form a group to study existing questions and hand-pick the ones that are best adapted to horary analysis. First, I want to be sure to respect protocol. Has this sort of study been done before? If not, do we prefer to see it posted on the astrology forum, on the tarot exchange forum, or in a dedicated work group as described above? Do we need to ask permission of the tarot querents and/or tarot readers to use horary techniques to answer their questions? Or would it simply be best for an individual or work group to offer horary readings on the Tarot Exchange list, which would not involve so much re-inventing of the wheel. . . .? Ideas, pros or cons? That's my first question. Secondly, A horary chart requires a question, a time, and a place. I assume that the time that appears on the timestamp when a question is posted is the time in my time zone, not theirs. Am I correct? I just need to pinpoint the meaning of what is documented by the timestamp as precisely as I can. Thank you for all the time and attention to detail that is devoted to the functioning of this forum!! I look forward to your response. Blessings, --A
  7. geoxena

    Celestial Tarot

    From the album: Cosmic Decks

    Celestial Tarot by Kay Steventon and Brian Clark. Published by US Games, 2004. 78-card deck. ISBN-10: 157281473X ISBN-13: 978-1572814738 Available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Celestial-Tarot-Kay-Steventon/dp/157281473X/
  8. JulianneVictoria

    The Vedic Astrology Oracle

    From the album: Oracle Decks

    The Vedic Astrology Oracle is a 64-Card Oracle Deck based upon Vedic Astrology or Jyotisha. The cards include the Planets, the Zodiac Signs, the Houses, and the Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. There are also three bonus cards for Uranus/Brahma, Neptune/Vishnu, and Pluto/Shiva, planets not traditionally considered in the Vedic Astrology system. The Little White Book includes suggestions for use, study, and spreads. Cards are standard tarot size: 2.75" x 4.75" https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/the-vedic-astrology-oracle
  9. Jimkost

    Irish psychics

    Hey everyone, a good friend recommended this site for me and it seems to have quite a few interesting articles in its archive, covering many topics from tarot cards to moon sign predictions. I must say I haven't yet understood what makes Irish psychics so special, but like I said, the site seems to have a lot interesting articles. REMOVED BY ADMIN
  10. With the conversation about birth cards, I was thinking about the fact that your natal chart matches up directly with RWS and Thoth tarot cards. One way to see it is to use the free Hellenistic astrology software Morinus. Tell it to show the decans, and you can quickly see which tarot cards match which planets in your chart. (see the attached image) You can also do it with any modern online chart. You'd just use the degrees to calculate the decans. Anything in 0 - 10 degrees is the first decan (lowest numbered minor in that sign), 10 - 20 degrees is the middle decan, and 20 - 30 is the last. The attached image shows the natal chart (left) and associated tarot minors (right) for a hypothetical baby born in Paris yesterday at 5 am. :) The image I used is Hellenistic astrology simply because the creators of the Rider Waite and Thoth used Hellenistic astrology to assign decans to the cards. They just included the '7 planets of the ancients' that were visible in the sky. For this little Parisian the image shows: Sun and Mercury in her chart are in the place of the 2 of Swords Moon is in 9 of Cups Venus is in 5 of Cups Mars is in 5 of Swords Jupiter straddles the 6 & 7 of Cups Saturn is in 2 of Disks You can also find courts. To keep it simple, I didn't add it to the image, but this baby's Sun is in Queen of Swords, and Moon is in King of Cups. Since she's a Libra, her major is Justice. If we wanted, we could read her cards based on the planets. For example the Moon sign in modern astrology is often associated with emotions and our inner life, so you could read the 9 of cups in relation to that. (There's also the Hellenistic option, in that nocturnal charts strengthen Moon, Venus and Mars and weaken Sun, Jupiter and Saturn -- and by nocturnal they meant anything before the sun was visible in the sky, so this little Parisian is a nocturnal birth by Hellenistic reckoning. And diurnal births strengthen the opposite cards.)
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