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The Queen of Cups

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About this blog

A wee blog thing by Shaira. A space for blogging my own thoughts and experiences with tarot, instead of cluttering up everyone's discussion threads. 🙂 Musings on esoterica, comments on spreads and daily readings, occasional mini-reviews, etc. 

Entries in this blog

More Elemental Dignities: The Counsel Spread

Recently my daily three-card spread has been very much giving me the same message, so today I thought I'd break out and upwards into a more detailed spread to give me a lot more information about my situation. I opted for my "Counsel Spread", which is a seven-card horseshoe spread, and a variant on the traditional three-card PPF spread.    Like the three-card PPF, you have the "Present" card in the bottom centre, officially position #4, but it's always the first card I lay. Next comes


Shaira in #ElementalDignities

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