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Tarot Netivot Star of the Week Reading Sunday December 22 through Shabbat December 28, 2024



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This reading gives us insight into specific energies that we can focus on during specific days of the upcoming week as well as throughout the entire week as a whole.


Today’s reading will use the Moondust Tarot, created Florence Saul.


Here are focal points for our meditation:


Sunday:             How Can I Express Generosity?                                                II                                        Torah                              'High Priestess'                      Send holiday messages to friends and family.                

Monday:            How Can I Set the Emotional Tone for My Week?                   Three of Swords                                                      'Peacemaker'                          Identify 3 areas of conflict and strive to bring  a higher perspective and tolerance.
Tuesday:           What Do I Want to Manifest?                                                     Ten of Pentacles                                                      'Legacy'                                  Continue working on estate planning.

Wednesday:     What Wisdom is Coming to Me?                                                III                                        Eim                                 'Mother'                                  Prepare some special food, comfort food -- food reminiscent of happy times.

Thursday:         What Do I Want to Develop?                                                      Five of Pentacles                                                     'Healing'                                 Take a massage or reflexology treatment

Friday:               How Can I Connect with Romance, Friends and Nature?      Ace of Swords, Rx                                                    'Self Absorbed Mentality'      Identify a selfish inclination and turn it around.

Shabbat:           How Can I Rest?                                                                         Three of Pentacles                                                   'Co-Creation'                         Tend my orchid garden.  Work cooperatively with the Nature Spirits of the garden.


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