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The taxonomy of decks of cards

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Just a few notes to myself, out of the sequential order of my 'normal' blog posts

I will return to the tarot deck of Bologna later on, when I have assembled my mind and my health decently, but just a note to myself here:

Until 1725, Bolognese tarot had two female Popes (no Empress) and two male Popes (no Emperor), and a long succession of Popes had no reason to comment on this stylistic choice, until 1725. The Popesses and the Popes were replaced with four Moors, since exotification of foreigners was apparently all nice and dandy at the time. Bologna, boasting the world's oldest university, was located within the Papal States at the time (long before the unification of Italy), so the Papal administration had a say on what was allowed to be printed. 


Another note to myself: Take a closer look at revolutionary French decks without Empress, Emperor, Kings, Queens and Jacks. 


Another note to myself: Compare the Paris pattern and the Rouen pattern!!!



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Take good care of yourself! I'm looking forward to a new episode of my favourite history channel!



40 minutes ago, Ferrea said:

Take good care of yourself! I'm looking forward to a new episode of my favourite history channel!

Thank you for your kind words! I wish, that the new year will bring you happiness. 

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