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I have met a new friend who is into different things such as tarot.  I did her first reading on her and she seemed to love it.  We have decided to work on our spirituality and work on developing our gifts.    I want to gift her a tarot deck.  I want to get her the raider wait one so she can learn the symbolism.  I don’t get payed for another couple weeks.  Can I let her use my deck until I get hers??  As long as I cleanse it and she does when she uses it?  I have other decks that I currently use. 



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fire cat pickles

There are differing opinions on this, and I don't want to step on toes here...


But tarot cards are ink and cardboard. I don't believe there should be any problem with you loaning her your deck. I don't think you're going to bring down the wrath of spirits or get the heebie-jeebies if you do, any way.

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Guest libra

It's only a problem if you feel like it's a problem. It's all in what's right for you and your tools. For me, my decks house spirits. It's have to ask the individual deck what is feelings are on being loaned to someone. For someone else, they may not share this animist view and be totally ok with just handing the deck off. You seem like you might be worried about energetic transfers, so following your gut and cleansing would probably do just fine for you - unless you're just intellectually assuming that's the "right" answer, when it doesn't truly feel ok to you.


They are your cards, your tools, do what feels good for you.

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It's amazing how something like this can be so subjective... but that does seem to be the nature of it: we create our own reality, when it comes to our relationship with the cards. The only advice I can give that would probably make sense to everyone is indeed to ask your cards, "Should I lend you to a friend for a couple of weeks?" or, "How would doing that affect our relationship?"

  If the result isn't likely to be good, I think they'll let you know.  ;)

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I prefer my decks used, always check ebay etc before I buy one new ;) For me, the outright gift of your used one, which is in a way part of the foundation of your new friendship would be a treasured gift forever.


I'd not care for the loan and replacement later idea. Just wait if you want to gift her a new deck. No hurry...a lifetime of fun awaits

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Madame Squee

Here's my 2 cents: give your friend the deck you want her to have now and replace it in your collection later. You'll probably find that it turns up for you in a used bookstore, garage sale, flea market, thrift store or antique mall -- all places where my most treasured decks have found me. 


(What AJ-ish/Sharyn[/member] said. :thumbsup:)


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The only problem I can see is she may become attached to what now feels like "her" deck and may not want to give it back and seeing as she is a new friend you don't actually know how reliable she is at giving back things.  If you don't mind the possibility that your deck may not come back to you then feel free to loan it out, otherwise I would wait. 

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I agree with the other posters, in that I think if this feels right for you to do, then do it. I love the idea of asking your deck how it feels about being put out on loan - maybe the answer you get might influence your decision :)


As for me, I have gifted decks to friends in the past. There's only one deck that I don't really let anyone touch and that's purely because I favour it for my own personal readings. But again, it's a matter of personal preference.

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If you want to give her a Rider Waite, go for it - but take your time, and possibly get her the Centennial one,


https://www.bookdepository.com/Smith-Waite-Centennial-Deck-Pamela-Colman-Smith/9781572818125?ref=pd_de - in a tin, perhaps !


Here's an unboxing youtube so you can see how the same but different it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C


- so that it's the same as yours but different - then you can work together. I'd let her use mine while you wait - but I wouldn't put mine out on actual loan, in case, as someone said, she bonds too well with your copy - unless you are OK with getting another one for YOU.

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Thank you everyone for your advice.   I waited and gave her the new deck!   Sorry it took so long to reply my Tapatalk is not working for me.  

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