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Tarot of the Holy Light


Tarot of the Holy light, by Payne-Towler/Dowers, 2011. 8 x 12.5 cm. First edition pictured. Newer editions available from Noreah/Brownfield, and CollecTarot. Also available as a mobile app from Fool's Dog.



From the album:

Esoteric Decks

· 18 images
  • 18 images

Photo Information

  • Taken with Apple iPhone 5
  • Focal Length 4.1 mm
  • Exposure Time 1/30
  • f Aperture f/2.4
  • ISO Speed 50



I highly recommend the Tarot of the Holy Light to anyone who wants to delve deeper into their tarot and or esoteric practice. 


There is a separate 490 pg. guide book the breaks down each card's meaning and historical background. Rich in visual detail this deck can provide a expansive shift on how one uses the tarot.


It's not for everyone, but for those who want to learn something different about the tarot.

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