Welcome & Mission Statement
Warmest welcomes to you, Seeker! It's a pleasure to have you join us here, and I look forward to having you as a part of our TT&M family!
Tarot, Tea, & Me was originally created to provide a home for those people displaced when the AT Forum closed. Now its purpose is to serve as a welcoming community full of people who are interested in Tarot, Divination, Spirituality, and more.
My purpose is to keep this forum welcoming, cozy, free from spam, and open to discussion of all sorts under the roof of understanding, empathy, and compassion for your fellow tarot family members. We all come from different backgrounds, and that is the spice that keeps us all unique all while sharing common interests. Together, we can learn and practice the art of divination within a safe environment that allows for feedback and friendly critique.
With the help of all of you, we can keep this forum a wonderful place to be.
Thank you for being here!
Little Fang
Forum Rules
Failure to follow these rules can result in warnings and/or bans.
1. Respect one another.
You don't have to agree with everything somebody says, but please be respectful in your replies. We are a supportive family here and want to hear what everyone has to say. We're glad to note that we have so far fostered a friendly community where a diversity of viewpoints is not only accepted but actively cultivated.
On that point, we ask that everyone refrain from the use of words that are strongly violent or sexual, which could cause discomfort for some people. This includes any slurs against folks.
2. Moderators and Admin have the final say.
We have years of experience in monitoring and moderating online forums, and we constantly strive to be fair in all circumstances.
Arguing against staff will result in warning points leading up to a ban.
3. Try to stay on topic in the various forum sections.
Before you create a thread in a specific forum, check out the rules first to make sure that you're posting in the right one. These are usually found in the pinned threads that you'd see at the very top of any forum, so be sure to read them before posting.
4. No spamming or advertising, or soliciting sales through PM.
Promotions and advertising are Subscriber-Only perks.
Spamming is a major offense and the spammer will be banned and all posts deleted.
Buying and selling decks is also a Subscriber-Only perk and if you are found doing so through PM, you will be given a warning which can lead up to a ban for repeat offenses.
5. No Free Reading requests.
TT&M is a learning forum and we do not condone free readings. Please do not ask for them.
6. If somebody helps you with a reading, please provide feedback.
It helps everyone who is reading the replies to learn as well. We monitor posts for feedback on readings. The flow of knowledge is vital to us.
Repeatedly failing to respond with adequate feedback will result in warning points leading up to a ban.
7. Links are allowed as long as they are relevant and on topic.
Links may not be promotional and must be relevant to the topic being discussed.
You must have made 5 posts before posting links is available.
8. All readings must be done in the Reading Exchange forums.
Please do not ask for reading exchanges through PM or elsewhere. This is to make sure that an equal exchange is being made and that the rules are met.
9. You are allowed one account per person.
There is no reason to have multiple accounts. This is a bannable offense. We will attempt to contact you first in the event of an accident or forgotten account.
10. We take privacy seriously here.
Do not share PMs or any other information given in confidentiality, including off-site client readings, or anything in which a person's information is identifiable. This isn't just unethical, it can also raise legal concerns. We would not wish to have our tarot home shut down.
11. You may only have one reading open at a time.
If you are in the middle of an exchange with somebody, you may not join another exchange until the first exchange has been completed and feedback supplied. This doesn't include circles.
12. Politics will not be discussed on TT&M.
If you wish to do a reading on the current political climate, do so on your off-site social media or blogs. Political discussions devolve into arguments and bashing, and it's not the kind of atmosphere we want here.
Section Specific Rules
Rules & Information - You are Here!
Please read through this page before posting to our forum or asking questions elsewhere.
IntroductionsIntroducing yourself here before posting elsewhere is recommended!
Please let us know who you are and where you are on your tarot journey!
Subscribers Section
If you are a Subscriber, you'll be able to enter contests and trade tarot decks here.
Tarot Talk & Technique
For the discussion of general tarot topics.
This is not a section for readings.
Reading the Cards
For reading exchanges and assistance with interpretations.
5 Posts required before you can post!-
All Reading Exchange Forums (Tarot, Oracle, Playing Card, Lenormand)
- Exchange readings with other members here.
Post a thread if you are willing to do an exchange.
You may trade readings, and/or feedback.
A return reading or detailed feedback IS required. Feedback is required on return readings as well.
Failure to do so on multiple occasions can result in warnings and banishment from this section. -
Please contact a Moderator or an Admin if you are having any trouble with another member regarding exchanges.
Allow at least 3 days for feedback to be received. Some people may not be in the right place to leave feedback (mobile/traveling) or need to sit on the reading a bit before determining how it suits them.
Do not ask the same question to more than one reader each week. This allows spots to open for other people fairly.
Do not join another exchange until your current exchange has been completed according to the rules, with all feedback submitted.
All readings must be done in the Reading Exchange forums.
Please do not ask for reading exchanges through PM or elsewhere. This is to make sure that an equal exchange is being made and that the rules are met.
Reading Circles
Reading Circles are exchange groups hosted by other members.
See the Pinned posts for the Sign-Up thread for the current running Circle.
Each Circle host will have their own rules on top of the general forum rules. Please check the signup thread for information.
If you have an issue with somebody in your circle, contact the Circle Host.
Please don't post in other people's reading threads unless you have permission from them first.
Personal Tarot Readings, Your Readings sections
- All cards must be interpreted yourself first.
- Detailed feedback is required for everyone helping you with a reading.
- Before popping in to help with a reading, please be sure people have interpreted it first themselves. If there's no interpretation, feel free to report it, or wait for a mod to handle it.
- No third-party readings are to be posted, readings must be centered around yourself.
Individual Card Meanings
- Previously open to Page of Forums, we have had to lock this down due to newbies posting personal readings in this section. This is a place for discussing your views on a singular tarot card and studying them in depth.
Promote Yourself
This is a Subscriber-Only posting section!
- Promote websites that are yours.
- Please limit your promotions to once a week per site.
- Preferably only link things related to the subject at hand (Tarot, Divination, Spirituality, Handmade Goods, etc.)
- Exceptions to the above can be made by request.
- We prefer you don't link other tarot forums in this section.
- You may post new topics in this forum after you have made 5 other posts in other areas.
Birthday Section
This section has been removed by popular vote.
You are welcome to wish your friends Happy Birthday in Private Message if you'd like!
Terms and Conditions
- You must be 18+ to participate in this forum.
- Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.
- The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this website. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to report the post. We can remove objectionable messages, and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
- You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this website to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.
- You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this website. Exceptions include a small percentage of cards for display in our library, with credit given to the artists and publishers.
- Our software uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a personalized experience when you browse this site.
- Some areas require you to make 5 posts before becoming accessible.
- Each area has its own rules, and breaking these rules will result in warnings leading up to a ban.
- In extreme circumstances, we reserve the right to ban a member without prior warning. This is a last resort to maintain the integrity of the community.
- Being a forum Subscriber does not give one the right to break the rules of the community. Doing so will lead to warnings, and even a ban. Subscription fees are not refundable in this instance.
Last Edited: 11/3/24 - Fixed grammatical errors and clarified a rule.
All Reading Exchange Forums (Tarot, Oracle, Playing Card, Lenormand)