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Thoughts about Tarot

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Last post of the series, with some more practical applications in it.



Well, by now we covered all Major Arcana and their relations to the Tree of Life. While that can be helpful for understanding the Tree, or at the same time understanding Tarot(to be fair for Feng Shui practitioners its also helpful for understanding the wondering stars, in my humble view) there is a little more to it.

That comes with the idea of Sequences/Traveling Paths.

We covered so far the idea of the Fool, as if he see the belongings he carry as "past life" stuff, we can view the path from Yesod to Malkuth(Moon) as some way of accumulating and getting in contact with that experiences, then Malkuth to Hod, as carrying that over in the Fool.
Then that is a Sequence/Traveling Path. And they are all over the place with that arrangement.


Lets say, for example we have The Hermit and next to it the Hierophant(or one in past/one in future etc.)
Basically, suggesting one starts from Binah, looking for the light within, then hits Keter, the light itself, so a moment of contact with their inner essence, then shares that in the HIerophant with groups of people.

Lets say, instead we have The Hermit , any rods card, the Hierophant.
We can read that as one looking for the light within, having an opportunity a type of experience related to whatever the rods card will show, that they share in the Hierophant.
Same with swords, then we have same beginning, this time however a sorrowful, heavy experience and again sharing it with a group or religion setting.


Another interesting example, lets say we have the Fool then the Devil.
So we have the Fool, someone starting without knowing too much, at this step instead of covering the base, looking at the world undivided in Netzach, it moves to thoughts/reflection in Hod, that would lead to the Devil, as not enough knowledge to lead elsewhere at this point. And if a base is not sought will lead to Death, be that symbolic as the change in him will be so deep that he arrives at the Hermit, or something more transitional in his situation and approach. At the same time, this again can contain more cards between them, the Fool <> Cups Card <> The Devil, we have someone naive and just starting something, that had a pleasurable experiences that made them become more individualistic and stepped on thinking what is good for them(individuality pillar) instead of what is good for the group.


At any moment we can view any sequence of Major Arcana cards as a path on the Tree. It may start from the beginning and move up, may move from left to right column(individual to becoming more social), or the other way around(leaving groups, finding their own way), moving up(physical to spiritual) or moving down(from ideas/abstractions to physical manifestations) and overall each card suggests a path is happening, the question is changing between states that we know. Now we add minor arcana cards to show how and where its changing. At rods means they have opportunity, at swords they have a difficult experience etc.

The Tree can also be viewed as a process. First part of the process starting down, then going up it builds more and more. In that sense, we can also add year  Images to it, Malkuth <> Yesod, would be 1 - 18 more or less, Yesod - Tifered 18-35 etc.
The paths on the side measured by that, so could show where in ones life someone is, are they at finding their way in most basic terms below 18, are they at work/family or maybe beyond that etc.

How does that help in reading... Well, reading changes. Instead of looking at separate meanings it now shows a path through the Tree, with the minor arcana adding the factual stuff that happened between each steps. That can be a powerful way to view it and one that can supply a lot more then a basic reading of meaning could arrive at, in my humble view. That paths have their meaning as well, in general the more one has a chance to move to the right or middle column but stays in the left, the more difficult situations that will suggests, and in some cases it can also show the idea of missing opportunities to open up, to work together with groups and communities etc.

Of course, depends on the question, but the major idea is that reading can show someones path and how that aligns with it as a bigger trends going on between the relations of the cards and not based on the individual card meaning by itself.

Hopefully that is helpful, it is for me. Well lets finish this batch of it here for now, all the best and happy practice! : )




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