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Thoughts about Tarot

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The Center and the diminishing Light


In some places before we looked at the idea of a center and domain. Its fun to mention that that idea comes with other ideas as well. The 4 worlds in Kabbalah, and they are very connected to the suits of the cards, can be viewed as a distance from the center. Suggesting the further away one is from the center the less connected they are to how it all arrange itself.


In modern cities we can see it with the capitol and the government buildlings as the center, things there are usually very controlled and luxury(latin lux = light) as Azeluth/Fire, yet if we move further away we have residential areas connected to the other worlds further away and finally we reach the outskirt of the country and in there we will have customs and military or other controling organs and stuff will be much less luxury then it was in the center.

So that idea of center and things changing their quality as they move further away from that center we may want to see reflected in the concept of the 4 worlds.


That suggests in practice in Tarot we can view the suits as relating to each other in this way. Lets say we have something from pentacles and something from rods/wands. Looking at this in that way we can say that there is one image of "higher class" coming with the rods, of something carrying more "light" on a very surface level. Same way as if we have a high diplomat(Atziluth) in a restaurant in that country sitting with a military soldier(Assiah) from the border, there will be difference between them. Not really real, one of the reason there is the idea we shoudn't talk about the Shells much, yet there is the perception of "more closer to the center" in the diplomat, or often will be.

In that way each of the suits can relate to the other suits.


And here I do have to say that I personally view cups and swords at the same level. I wanted to build up to explaining that, but doesn't need much explanation, this is just the best fit to compensate for the changes, of course no one has to use it that way, but if one does its closer to the actual structure of the worlds. In that sense Cups is not part of the Shell for Swords, they work on the same level.

Interesting to mention that that Images doesn't have to end with human "class" ideas of who is closer to the light/lux. We can view them purely physically, Rods/Wands will be lighter in purely physical sense then Pentacles, it may be hotter in physical sense then Pentacles, its more to the Center in direciton/map sense, its more in deciding position in leadership sense etc.

One may wonder how the court cards fit into this. In my humble view, it makes sense to use the court cards based on our physical body. If our  physical body as a Plus polarity(Yang, Male or whatever we want to call it) then it makes sense to go:
Prince/Princess/King/Queen for the 4 worlds starting from Assiah.
If we view it as Minus Polarity(Yin, Female or whatever we want to call it) then its reversed:
Reason for that is that we already know the polarity in Malkuth/Assiah and that is whatever polarity our body is carrying. I get in last few years in parts of the world that has become much more complex, but doesn't need to be "gender" exactly, can call it whatever we want, but there is some polarity in the physical body and that can position the suits.


Now, in the East we have the 4 Images. Basically showing a peak(fire), decrease/completeness(Metal), bottom(Water), rising back up(Wood). Basically showing a spiral movement. That seems connected to tetragrammaton and to all this, but each has their own point of view. As far as I remember tetragrammaton is closer to the 4 worlds, as the main idea there is the last character is happening on another level. That to some degree comes with all others as well, but depending what we look at it has more or less validity. In the court house it doesn't make much sense, all 4 seem on the same level. But in the 4 worlds by definition the closer we are to the border of the country the more influence and interaction we carry for the other country even if they originate closer to the center.

Anyway, just a view on the worlds, I hope this can be helpful for peoples, I think we have some practical stuff for using the Shells here in more detail and of course, this is just one Image and a superficial one, so its not a game changing thing, yet if one adds that it could provide good amount of more detail in some cases I think.








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