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Thoughts about Tarot

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More Cards and expanding the Tree

As time is running out in more then one context, lets switch to a higher gear and start going through a lot more  cards this time around.

We covered the middle pillar, that is the only balanced movement up, that shoots up from the root of the spine the moment we align everything else and gets to as high as it can get(Moon - below the navel, Sun - Solar Plexus/Heart depending on the initiation, Star - pineal gland). That is the only purely balanced move on the Tree, also its very forceful, like a river after a dam opens, it pushes out with great strength out when the way is open.


Now, lets look at the paths between the horizontal "poles" of plus/minus going on each side, so that are the 3 paths of:

Air - Gevurah <> Chesed

Water - Hod <> Netzach

Fire - Binah<>Chokmah


This time around instead of forceful movement going right up when the way is cleared, here we have the careful measurement and movements needed to keep balance between a two poles. Then, as we already know, the movement in Water would be balance in everyday life in relation to what humanity is dealing with in mass scale. Air would be our human conduct and Fire would be spirituality and everything else at the same time, that will unfold in details when we create the higher Trees in us.


Then we have these 3:

Justice - Air - Gevurah <> Chesed

Wheel of Fortune - Water - Hod <> Netzach

Judgment Day - Fire - Binah<>Chokmah


Wheel of Fortune -  in purely dealing with mass consciousness and what humanity is still digging through from its past and accumulated so far, there isn't much one could do, the balance is to realize all is a cycle, stuff comes and goes, not grasping it is how we go beyond it. As flowing water that isn't a balance where focus helps, it needs time and to walk the full path. So Wheel of Fortune here is the lowest level of keeping the balance, just remembering all is a cycle, if we are up we will be down. If we are down we will go up, on this part of it all. That is kinda all to it, at surface level.


Justice - Justice is how we address the human conduct,  as already mentioned we don't usually put cows or pandas on trial, as there this form of justice doesn't apply. So our human conduct is balanced by justice, justice can be cruel(Gevurah) or can be kind(Chesed), but it can also be balanced. While in my view, humanity has messed that level in a really bad way, that is personal opinion, in any case there is a balance point in it somewhere between this polarities, where exactly it is. Will be different depending on the place, traditions and people we ask, in most cases.


Judgment Day - well, as far as spirituality and religion go, the balance there would have to be this, what effects our connections and choices will provide at the end of it all. Will we repeat it again and again and again, or will we create something different this time around. In different religions and frameworks that may have different names and details, but it exists in most of them, that is what comes at the end when one is tested, that is when that balance is being put to our view, as in normal situation our spiritual choices doesn't seem so easy to see.


So that is then the 3 horizontal levels, each of them require balance, understanding or usually both, to hold and keep. The moment we balance this 3, the middle pillar shoots up to as high as it can. One day that creates the second tree(that happens at the Star, by the way).

Lets move on, however, and go to another sets. As we went over all cards that didn't carry polarity and relation to another card, from now on everything goes in pair of 2s. A card and its reflection in the other pillar(Restriction - Left Pillar vs Expansion - Right Pillar).


Next step, we view Hermit, the Hierophant, the Fool, The World, The Chariot and the Lovers.

Would strongly recommend getting an Image of the Tree if one is following so far and want to keep going, as it gets messy now. : )


Before going into their relation, some stuff may need to be addressed about the Fool. As in the other arrangement, that is one of the view of card that seems perfect at its place(Keter > Chokmah), this looks like a start of a journey, connected to Uranus, that has to show the whole arrangement have its merit.

And yet... If we look at the fool, that seems a very material card, we have our belongings in a bag, we walk the land, there is purely physical danger ahead, we have our friends with us and we carry Images of Malkuth.

Someone may say, "but the belongings are from this past life!They aren't as material because..." And sure, but if we view that, again no place around Keter, past lifes are in Yesod, suggesting the fool may be very near Yesod if he carries that now, and a path that just have finished from there like the Moon(Moon as Yesod Malkut as gathering that experiences, then Malkuth to Hod as the travel after he "wakes up" from it).


Here someone else may say "But the Sun above him...!", yes, but the Sun is a lot more connected to Tiferet, then to Keter. Keter will turn to Tifered in the Second Tree, but that is long time ahead, at this point if someone is below the Sun, and on the left, that suggests a path from Malkuth to Hod, not something around Keter, far beyond any of that symbology. Keter is abstract ideas and symbology, nothing abstract in the Fool, this is just a person walking and unaware of their surrounding, also supported because of that.

We can go like this a lot more and in a lot more cards, but will leave it at just this one, as this is the one that people seem to think is in place at Keter,>Chokmah and I doubt it.


Anyway, so what do we see in these cards.

Well, The Fool is Malkuth <> Hod.

The World is Malkuth Netzach.


That is us walking the path, starting from the most material part of it all, Malkuth. There is freedom, as the challenges of morality, or of anything really, has not open up yet. At this point we just have ourselves as the Fool.

In the World, we have where we are walking at. The Yin aspect of material existence and that can only be The World.


So we start our journey not knowing much, yet carrying some stuff from the last tree we went through. And we walk in the world.

Suggesting in a reading the Fool, won't mean Uranus and hidden and crazy influences, nothing crazy in the Fool, this is just someone starting a journey with great hope and with the "luck of the newcomer". And the world just shows all places one can start that journey in, as a whole and full representation he doesn't distinguish yet, as not knowing it well enough to do yet so early at the beginning.


Then we have the Chariot and the Lovers, from Hod to Tifered and from Netzach to Tifered.

On the next step, the fool has grown up a little and now wants things. Want "winning" stuff, and that is the Chariot. Success at work. Accomplishments and all the other stuff in purely material view, one values. All that is the chariot and its showing up in a reading suggests a very "lowly" kind of victory. While the Hermiet may suggests connection to fuller and deeper understanding, the Chariot, would just suggests win of a purely material nature. One made a good deal at work, for example.


The Lovers, then, is the expanding/receiving aspect to the same idea, and that is family. Now, the whole world is a too great gathering to work directly with, we create our own support system with our family in Netzach to Tifered.

Suggesting this 2 are what the Center at Tifered stands at for humanity. One walks in the world, first, then one looks for leaving their footprints in that world in the chariot with their work or relating to humanity in whatever way and at the same time creating their small community as part of the world in the family as the Lovers.


Jumping higher through sacrifices and other stuff that will make the post too long, and we end up on the highest parts of the Tree to the Hermit and the Hierophant.

Here we have spirituality and relation to abstract and not fully integrated ideas. We can search for them within, the Path of the Hermit, or we can search for them with people as Religion in the Hierophant.

Both try to get us to Keter and both will never do it. One of the secrets(not really a secret, as one can read about it in nice books out there), but lets say the specifics of the Tree. One can never get to Keter, Keter, as we get near it, will always transform to Tifered of the higher Tree. But anyway, at this point the connection to the Light goes through this 2.


Either one searches for it deep within and alone(the Hermit) or one searches for it with groups of people, be that in schools, orders or religions with the Hierophant.

That is also the highest form of accomplishing a goal(as the Hermit) and the highest form of groups of the whole as a spiritual group(highest doesn't mean necessarily the most important, its just higher as far as centers go, as that is related to the Head, as Keter and to abstract ideas, so "higher order abstractions" as some would rightly say).


This is already long, so lets stop here. We are really rushing through them, but if one is interested in knowing more just look the world around, this is just reflecting basic structure in most peoples life. Around Tifered human accomplishments, work and family, around but below Yesod is still too early, so just walking the world unburdened and the whole world as a shinny and fun whole and the highest spiritual and religion abstractions at the top that are either sought alone(spirituality) or in groups(religion). Both are equally valid in theory, although depending where we are, on the Earth, currently, they often aren't because of the Chariot effect on spirituality we have here.



Edited by Deian


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