Tarot Astrology Libra 2024 Jewish & Western Hermetic Correspondences according to the Tarot Netivot system

Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
NOTE: I'm including this week's free Tarot Netivot newsletter here because it references 'Tarot, Tea, and Me'.
Week of the Waxing Moon
Tarot, Tea, and Me
Imaginary Friends
May 23 - May 31, 2023
Yetzirah: World of the Heart: Six of Cups 'Inner Child'
It’s a tea party with imaginary friends! Open hearts, open hands, innocence and sharing say that all is well in our world. We are viewing life from a child’s eyes — enjoying life naturally and worry free. Our willingness to playfully engage presupposes that the world will respond back with love and support for us. This childlike wonder invites in creativity and spontaneity.
When we get back in touch with our inner child and happy memories from childhood we can renew our curiousity and joy for life. New insights flow in. Words like ‘never’, ‘can’t’, and ‘won’t’ do not exist in our vocabulary. Anything is possible.
0 Leitzanit ‘The Fool’ and I Charsheta ‘The Magician further support this return to freshness. The re-appearance of the Five of Cups this week in the Earth position signals that you are turning the corner on grief. Interpretations are informed by the card for the week of the Waxing Moon, Six of Cups ‘Inner Child’; and also the card for Spring/Fall, The Ace of Cups Chesed ‘Compassion’; and the card for this lunar month Sivan, XIV Neviah ‘Temperance’.
Briyah: The World of the Mind: 0 Leitzanit ‘The Fool'
“Great is the human who has not lost his childlike heart.’’ — Mencius
Where are you on your journey to know yourself? Do you have a sense of why you are here? 0 The Fool represents untapped potential and a spirit of adventure that propels the Seeker into the unknown. This quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth is universal. Think back to about age 14. What were your compelling interests and ambitions? You may have lost touch with these guide markers that point you in a direction that can bring happiness and contentment. A happy inner child is in touch with her life’s purpose and will keep you pointed in its direction.
Approaching new things with a healthy sense of wonder and play keeps life vital and fresh. It amps up receptivity, intuition and the inner voice. Reflection on your inner child and nurturing her needs can bring harmony to your soul. The Fool is a great example of ‘beginner’s mind’ — the embracing of ignorance as a starting point. Now you can become fully absorbed in the learning process. Life doesn’t have to be complicated. The world can be full of awe if you just relax and toss what you think you know out the window.
Atzilut: World of Spirituality and Creativity: I Charsheta ‘Shamaness’
What if it really is all about You? What if You are so beloved that the entire Universe has been and is designed and organized around You in order to provide You with the best possible opportunities to be and become the best possible version of You. We are children still. Children of the great Divine.
Keep your imagination open with this card. Visualize yourself creating something entirely unique that is guided by evolutionary forces that emerge spontaneously from within. Adapt the inquisitive and curious open mind of a research scientist. This brings freshness and clarity to every situation. Approach all activities with curiosity and experimentation.
Assiyah: The Material World: Five of Cups ‘Healing Grief’
“Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us.” — Steven Tyler
Perhaps your childhood was not all happy memories. Maybe you experienced woundings and losses that no child should have to endure. The compassionate, sensitive, and idealistic person who you are becoming today results from resolving this pain. The magic of recovery happens when you train your mind to focus on the positive that can and will happen in your life.
Some keywords associated with the upright or well aspected Five of Cups: Forgiveness. Triumph. Positivity. Awakening. This card can signal a departure up out of grief into a new phase of life. By digesting past painful experiences from your life story, you can step forward on to new pathways. When you learn how to grow and learn, you can help others to do the same.
*This week’s title is in homage to ‘Tarot, Tea, and Me’, the largest active Tarot Forum on the Internet. You might enjoy stopping by for refreshment and to make new friends.
The Tarot de St. Croix, by Lisa de St. Croix is used here by permission.
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
Natural Mystic Guide in Tarot Time Board
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